Keep Safety In Mind With Replacement Windows
(ARA) - Open a window
and you open your world. Windows add so much to our
lives; they bring in welcome light and fresh air and
they help protect us from the elements. As the weather
warms and windows are opened more often, follow these
important tips to enhance home safety:
There is no safety
substitute for the importance of responsible adult
supervision around children. Set and enforce rules about
keeping children's play away from windows or patio doors
to help prevent an accidental fall or injury.
For greatest safety,
keep your windows closed and locked when children are
around. When opening windows for ventilation, open those
that a child cannot reach. For example, on double-hung
windows which feature two moveable sashes, open the top
portion for ventilation and keep the bottom part closed
for greater safety.
Remember that insect screens are simply designed to
provide ventilation and to keep insects out. Do not rely
on them to keep a child in; they will not prevent a
child's fall.
Keep furniture such as beds and dressers -- or anything
children can climb -- away from windows to help improve
safety in your home. Furniture placed under a window can
create an enticement to climb and the potential to fall.
Furniture placed under a window could also slow your
escape from a home in the event of an emergency, such as
a fire.
Windows provide a secondary means of escape from a
burning home. For greater safety, determine your
family's emergency escape plan and practice it
regularly. Designate a door and a window as an escape
route from each room in your home. Make sure each opens
quickly and easily and keep the escape route free from
clutter which could present a tripping or falling
hazard. Remember that children may have to rely on a
window to escape in a fire. Help them learn to safely
use a window under these circumstances.
When performing seasonal repairs or cleaning, make sure
your windows and doors are not jammed, painted or nailed
shut. You must be able to open them quickly to escape in
an emergency. If they don’t, it’s time to consider
Windows which tilt in for cleaning not only provide
greater convenience, but greater safety, too. When
choosing windows, look for those which can be cleaned
from the interior simply by tilting the unit inward and
you eliminate the need to climb an exterior ladder for
window cleaning.
If you have young children in your home and are
considering adding window guards, or window fall
prevention devices, install guards with a quick-release
mechanism, so they can be opened for escape in an
emergency. Consult your local fire department or
building code official for more information on window
guard options and proper placement.
If you live in an area subject to hurricanes, consider
impact-resistant glass for windows and patio doors to
help provide year-round protection from winds, rain and
flying debris. Impact-resistant glass which cannot be
easily penetrated, helps protect your home year-round,
eliminating the use of cumbersome shutters or other
temporary unsightly options such as plywood over
If your home features
impact-resistant windows or patio doors designed to
withstand hurricane-force winds, train your family
members to first attempt to open the window to exit
through it in an emergency, rather than trying to break
the glass. Impact-resistant glass cannot be easily
penetrated, so it’s important to acquaint family members
with how to open units, or designate other exits if the
unit is fixed in place and does not open.
For greater safety, look for blinds and shades with
no cords
Window treatments can also contribute to childhood
injuries presenting potential choking or strangulation
hazards associated with traditional roomside cords. For
greater safety, consider window treatments with no
room-side cords. One option is Pella’s Designer Series
Collection of windows and patio doors, which feature
blinds or shades protected between two panes of glass.
The cordless operation of the collection, and protection
of window treatments between glass, gives parents and
pet owners an added peace of mind because it keeps
children and pets safer in the home. Plus, since they’re
tucked between glass, the blinds and shades are
virtually free from dust, making them cleaner and safer.
National Window Safety Week
To find a local Pella Window & Door store near you or to
contact a local Pella expert, call (888) 84-PELLA or log
on to www.pella.com.
Courtesy of ARA Content If you are looking for professional Replacement Windows in Columbus, OH, please call us today at 614-263-8899 or complete our online request form.
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